
Last Updated: March 11, 2024

Education and Training

Investor's Agent Academy, LLC., its subsidiaries, and affiliates (collectively, "Investor's Agent Academy," the "Company," "We," or "Us") is a leading provider of direct-to-consumer and direct-to-business sales, marketing education, and training focused on the real estate and wholesaling sectors. We do not offer or promote a "get rich quick" scheme or a business opportunity that guarantees financial success. Our mission centers on empowering individuals with knowledge and skills to make informed investment decisions, recognizing that success in investing can never be guaranteed. We assert no earnings, effort, return on investment, or monetary gain claims linked to our training. Our educational approach encompasses a blend of knowledge-sharing, hands-on training, and resource/tool access. All content is protected under copyright law, prohibiting unauthorized replication or distribution.

Examples, Case Studies, and Hypothetical Scenarios

Investor's Agent Academy offers no assurance regarding the expected outcomes or performance of any real or hypothetical investment tied to our training programs. Historical data or performance metrics provided do not reflect any specific client's investment journey but instead are illustrative. Past successes are not indicative of future results; investment returns can significantly fluctuate. We expressly disclaim any implication that future investments will mirror past successes or that losses can be circumvented. Investment ventures inherently carry risks, including the potential loss of capital. Our training may include examples and scenarios derived from third-party sources, which we believe to be reliable yet do not guarantee their accuracy.

Lending and Financing

Investor's Agent Academy is not a credit provider, credit advisor, or associated with lending services. Any referral to lenders or consulting firms operates independently from our Company, and we do not gain financially from referrals or services rendered by these entities. It's crucial for individuals to assess their financial standing and the implications of borrowing before seeking loans or consulting services for purchasing training or other products. We absolve ourselves from any liability arising from third-party actions, products, or services. The decision to leverage borrowed funds for investment purposes carries significant risk and should be approached with caution to prevent adverse financial outcomes.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Our commitment to enhancing customer experiences is reflected in regular surveys, although tracking the implementation and completion rates of our training is challenging. Not all customers who engage with our training seek further investment; their feedback may still be included in our satisfaction metrics. Testimonials and reviews represent personal accounts and opinions of those who have utilized our training; individual results will vary and may not be representative of all customer experiences. Our survey focus is on the perceived value of our education and training, rather than quantifiable financial outcomes.

You might be invited to partake in a satisfaction survey, offering an authentic reflection of your experience without monetary incentive. Your participation grants us the permission to publish your feedback, anonymized, across our digital platforms and review sites. We respect your privacy and will not disclose identifiable personal information.

Third Parties

Content from or services by third parties not affiliated with Investor's Agent Academy may be referenced within our offerings. We bear no responsibility for the accuracy, endorsement, or content of such third-party contributions. External content may follow different terms and conditions or privacy policies. Engaging with or utilizing third-party services or content is at your discretion and risk. In cases where services are provided through or referrals made to third-party businesses, it's important to note that some may have ties to Investor's Agent Academy. Third-party relationships are subject to their terms, distinct from your engagement with our Company.

Trademarks of third-party companies, including logos and product names, are owned by their respective entities. Their mention does not imply any association with, or endorsement by, Investor's Agent Academy.


(801) 204-9061


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590 E Timpanogos Pkwy

Orem, UT 84097

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